// In secondary classrooms
Spanish | Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
5th Choice Recommended
Avancemos! (Levels 1-4 | 2013)
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (Level 1): 978-0-55402531-5
- Student (Level 2): 978-0-55402532-2
- Student (Level 3): 978-0-55402533-9
- Student (Level 4): 978-0-54787194-3
- Teacher (Level 1 ): 978-0-54725537-8
- Teacher (Level 2): 978-0-54725538-5
- Teacher (Level 3): 978-0-54725539-2
- Teacher (Level 4): 978-0-54787201-8
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Note: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt will no longer be printing any textbooks after 2024. Textbook pages do not match online eBook pages.
- Contact: Brian Schmidt, Manager Inside Sales | Email: Brian.Schmidt@hmhco.com Phone: (603)659-1382 |www.hmhco.com
- Aligned with NAD Foreign Language Standards and World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.
- Attractive graphics and layout.
- Effective spiraled grammar with unique grammar coding.
- Attractive cultural component from a variety of Spanish speaking countries including several project options.
- Unique paired communication activities.
- Includes “teacher to teacher” tips, interactive resources, and extensive differentiated instruction.
- Easy access to audio scripts within the teacher’s edition.
- Substitute lesson plans easy to implement.
- Partnership with grammar website Conjuguemos.com.
- Free access to articles, blogs, and videos from Mary Glasgow Publishing.
- Multiple strategies for interactive reading.
- Wide variety of media including grammar songs.
- Dashboard for students and teacher containing auto grading and feedback.
- All technology components included in purchase of eBook.