// In secondary classrooms
Spanish | McGraw Hill Education
3rd Choice Recommended
Asi se dice! (Levels 1-4 | 2016)
Publisher: McGraw Hill Education
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (Level 1): 978-0-02136747-4
- Student (Level 2): 978-0-02141264-8
- Student (Level 3): 978-0-02141261-7
- Student (Level 4): 978-0-02138822-6
- Teacher (Level 1): 978-0-02138818-9
- Teacher (Level 2): 978-0-02141265-5
- Teacher (Level 3): 978-0-02138821-9
- Teacher (Level 4): 978-0-02138816-5
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- NOTE: No plans to update the 2016 textbook edition. Updates will be given as downloads.
- Contact: Nick James, Account Executive | Email: Nick.James@mheducation.com | Cell: (443) 827-3914 | www.mheducation.com
- Aligned with NAD Foreign Language Standards and World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.
- Colorful and up-to-date visuals.
- Engaging geography and cultural component through eScape.
- Unique paired communication activities.
- Links to all enrichment resources provided at the bottom of each page of student text.
- Partnered with e-Pals social media, a safe environment for global correspondence.
- Transferable online activities from year to year.
- Adaptive learning component (Cerego) to enhance acquisition of vocabulary and grammar.
- Continually updates authentic current events.
- User friendly platform.