// In secondary classrooms
Spanish | VISTA Higher Learning
1st Choice Recommended
Descubre (Levels 1-3 | 2022)
Publisher: VISTA Higher Learning
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (Level 1): 978-1-54333-120-2
- Student (Level 2): 978-1-54333-123-3
- Student (Level 3): 978-1-54333-124-0
- Teacher (Level 1): 978-1-54333-125-7
- Teacher (Level 2): 978-1-54333-128-8
- Teacher (Level 3): 978-1-54333-129-5
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Aligned with NAD Foreign Language Standards and World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.
- AP preparation materials across all levels.
- Heritage Speaker Culture and Lectures book available.
- Editable Assignments from all 3 levels for remedial or advanced students.
- Authentic and current cultural videos (updated weekly) and links to Hispanic Newspaper online.
- Robust features for live audio and video chat.
- iPad-friendly technological component on Supersite: auto-graded assignments and textbook activities.
- New story line video: Brand new Fotonovela story line videos – levels 1 and 2 are shot on location in Madrid, Spain while level 3 takes place in Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Can-Dos and IPAs: Redesigned lesson openers with clearly labeled Essential Questions, Can Do Goals, and IPA contexts, as well as a cultural focus on products, practices, and perspectives.
- Enrichment libraries: A collection of trade books to expose students to different reading proficiency levels with rich and authentic content thematically related to the basal program.
- Technology option to upgrade to prime.
- Contact Information: Contact Person: Cheryl Kincaid, Senior Modern Language Specialist | Email:ckincaid@vistahigherlearning.com | Phone: 617-691-7063 | http://vistahigherlearning.com/