// In secondary classrooms
Spanish | Carnegie Learning, Inc
2nd Choice Recommended
¡Que Chévere! (2020)
Publisher: Carnegie Learning, Inc.
Print Edition ISBNs:
- Student (Level 1): 978-1-53383-886-5
- Student (Level 2): 978-1-53383-888-9
- Student (Level 3): 978-1-53383-890-2
- Student (Level 4): 978-1-53384-987-8
- Teacher (Level 1): 978-1-53383-887-2
- Teacher (Level 2): 978-1-53383-889-6
- Teacher (Level 3): 978-1-53383-891-9
- Teacher (Level 4): 978-1-53384-984-7
Contact the company representative for ISBN numbers for online/eText editions.
- Contact: Joe Piazza, Account Executive | Email: jpiazza@carnegielearning.com | Phone: (888) 851-7094, Cell: (443) 690-2444 | www.scilearn.com
- Aligned with NAD Foreign Language Standards and World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.
- Teacher’s Edition of the Workbook, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Listening Activities.
- Native Speaker materials specifically designed for their level of language.
- Games, Pronunciation Videos, Cultural Videos, Dialogue Videos, Character Animations, and more.
- Flashcards powered by Quizlet.
- Additional Passport resources and tools.
- Innovative technology using Flipgrid, i-Culture, and Interactive eBooks that are consistently upgraded.
- User friendly platform.